As we have opportunity let us do good to everyone

Galatians 6:10


"Doing good to everyone." This sentiment is one of the few things in life most people can agree on. However, this is easier said than done. The Sheltered By Love Foundation aims to solve the issue by creating a national, self-sustaining, philanthropic organization.

The key difference here is, “self-sustaining.” In other words, once full engaged and operational, not only will the Sheltered By Love Foundation be completely financially self-sufficient, but will provide for the needs of local families, our communities, and our environment; as well as being able to support other worthy causes.


Our mission is clear: do good to everyone. Our opportunity is here: in the local communities – those “forgotten” areas left behind, in cities all across our great nation. Our vision is strong: gather seeds and plant a garden.

Join us on this incredible adventure and let’s make a real difference!

Give me a seed and I will raise a garden,
which will feed the world.



Since biblical times, world-changing ideas have relied on one common element – partnerships. Jesus spoke of this two-thousand years ago. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak demonstrated it when starting a little company called Apple Computers. And today, thousands of successful organizations depend upon partners who believe in their mission to help make the cause a reality.

When you partner with Sheltered By Love, you’re planting seed into good soil. Seed that will grow and reproduce 100-fold. After all, when you plant an apple seed – you don’t just get one apple back. You get a whole tree that produces hundreds of apples throughout its life. In similar fashion, when you partner with Sheltered By Love and plant a financial seed, that amount, no matter how small, will grow and reproduce, resulting in a harvest not just for the foundation, but for you, as well.